Jing – JING SHUI https://www.jsvacenter.com Art and Culture Fri, 20 Dec 2019 16:01:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.jsvacenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/LogoMakr-0hYI4a-100x100.png Jing – JING SHUI https://www.jsvacenter.com 32 32 Chinese Art/Calligraphy Workshop at East Asian Center, UVa. https://www.jsvacenter.com/chinese-calligraphy-workshop-at-east-asian-center-uva/ Tue, 06 Nov 2018 01:20:48 +0000 https://www.jsvacenter.com/?p=319 Chinese Painting Technique Lecture/Demonstration with Local Artist Jing Shui in Sep.27, 2019 in the Fayerweather Lounge.


Nov.16, 2018, local artist Jing Shui led two workshops in Chinese Calligraphy at the UVA Language Commons.

March. 2018, spring Semester.

A Discussion of the McGuffey Art Center Project with former Charlottesville Mayor Satyendra Huja  https://www.jsvacenter.com/a-discussion-of-the-mcguffey-art-center-project-with-charlottesville-mayor-satyendra-huja/ Mon, 05 Nov 2018 17:59:01 +0000 https://www.jsvacenter.com/?p=241 A Discussion of the McGuffey Art Center Project with former Charlottesville Mayor Satyendra Huja  Read More »

Jing published an article in the National Museum of China Journal (she’s very accomplished) about McG’s relationship with the City govt and community. I arranged the following interview which Jing excerpted for her article. Enjoy, Robert.


Mayor Huja, thank you for meeting with me to discuss the creation of McGuffey Art Center.  We will soon be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the McGuffey School building functioning as a community art center.  My Chinese intellectual friends who come here, including my wife, are very impressed with McGuffey Art Center.  They find fascinating the partnership between the City of Charlottesville, which owns the McGuffey School building property, and an association of self-governing artists who occupy the building with 40 studios and 5 exhibition galleries.  The artists enjoy rents far below market value in exchange for providing a wide variety of cultural services and outreach to the community.   My Chinese friends are coming from their own governmental system, and they love to see that we have worked out a cooperative relationship between City Government and the free enterprise artists so that the arts contribute to the culture of our community and the life experiences of our citizens.


You’re aware I have some paternal interest in this project.  A long time back when I first came to connect with McGuffey, they were going to demolish it.


Demolish McGuffey School?


There was a proposal, which I inherited, to build over it.  This would have been a stupid thing to do.  We decided to partly develop it, and partly leave the building alone.


When you first came to town you became city manager?


City planning director.


Were you here when Main Street still had automobile traffic?


Yes.  My first project was the Downtown Mall.


To divert the traffic and make a walking mall?


Yes.  People used to tell me to go back to India with these ideas.  Now they think I’m a genius.  And they keep re-electing me.  I don’t know why.


So, is it fair to say that it was your idea to come up with the downtown mall in its current form?


I wouldn’t say that was my idea alone.  I was part of a group of people.  An idea- what is a new idea? You know I was brought up in a boarding school in India- from my youth, you know what Main Street was?  A mall.  And it was a lot more than that.  It was there for hundreds of years.  It was not a new idea.  It was a new idea to Charlottesville- because they were using cars in the street.  So it was not my idea- the idea’s been there for a long time.  I was the advocator of the idea.  I promoted it to see that it works here.


You grew up where the town’s center was a public walking area.


There were roads that went around the center, for horses and carts.


My wife is writing an article on McGuffey Art Center and submitting it to the National Art Museum of China Journal, which is equivalent to the National Gallery West Wing of the National Mall in D.C.  So I’m really proud to say, if this article passes the edit, McGuffey is going to be written up and read by millions of people.


It’s a good idea, and again it’s not a new idea, it’s been there many other times… when I first saw it, it was in Alexandria.  There was a collective of artists occupying a decommissioned torpedo factory. It was there before McGuffey….So again… usually there are very few new ideas, there is a reincarnation of old ideas, many times. So this is one of those.  But I believe in reincarnation.


So you brought before City Council the closing of Main Street and bricking over of the mall.

S: Not just bricking, but the making of a public space for human interaction.  It was to be like a public living room.  Where we share.  Community happens when people interact.  It is our joy to interact.

R: When the first artists came to City Hall and asked to rent the McGuffey School and make an art center there… you were here before that?

S: Yes.

R: You witnessed them as they approached.


Yes.  West Main street between downtown and University of Virginia was very bad.  If you tried to walk from one end to the other you could get assaulted…. At this time I was trying to revitalize West Main Street and I needed to bring people’s attention there.  No bank wanted to give any loan on that neighborhood.  So I said, “Well, if we had a mural there  on a building  then people will see it and they will talk about this place.”  So we had a mural competition.  The guy who won the mural competition, I found out a while later, he could not paint.  He could draw a picture, but he could not paint.  Now the real trouble was I’d already sold the idea to the City Council, they had money committed to it, and here I was. I asked a painter I knew if he would like to paint the mural, and he said, “Well my brother’s an even better painter.”  I said, “Where is he?”  And he said, “He’s in jail.”  So I talked to the jailer and he said, “I’ll let him out, for the competition” So I told the artist, “If anybody asks any questions, don’t say anything.  Here’s a wall for you, here’s the paint, pay your debt to society.”  He did two, three murals, on West Main Street, morning glories.

So that’s how I first got involved with public art.


Was the goal to do urban renewal?  You said there was trouble on West Main Street.


There were two goals.  To bring activity downtown, and secondly, the artists needed a place work.


Do you feel that the presence of McGuffey Art Center has been helpful in the economic development of the downtown mall?


Yes, very much so.


For the life of the local residents and citizens of the city, what do you see as the function of McGuffey Art Center?


All of us like beauty.  Beauty is not limited to rich people.  When you see a beautiful work of art or beauty in nature, you admire it.  And so this is a presence of beauty in the community.  You cannot live on food alone.  It is in all of us. We must get in touch with it in some way.


Are you pleased with the way that McGuffey has evolved over the years?


I think we have a much better partnership.  Over the years I must tell you that there have been times when the city wanted to pull out, when they felt they were spending too much money and not getting enough.  But now they don’t feel that way.


Do you feel that the new bigger programs that McGuffey’s involved in, where the public comes on to the front lawn, are positive?


Yes.  Very positive.  Because as you know, art happens not only in art centers.  Art happens in homes, public spaces, anywhere.  Art happens all over the place.  So it is just as important to get it out of the room, out of the building.


So, if we draw the public out of their work mode, and into the free atmosphere of the arts, that is the goal.

S: Yes.

R: Do you have an idea for the next step in the development of McGuffey Art Center?


I’ve been talking to a few people, but I don’t have any great plans as such.  I feel they’ve been doing fairly well.  Though I think we could extend somewhat more.  It would be good to go outside, bring in others to display their art there also.


Different groups, we invite them in and put on exhibitions.  For example, we had an exhibition of children’s paintings from Rwanda.


I saw that. I think that connection with Rwanda and Africa is also very healthy.  Because we also have our African American population who need to see their heritage represented in art, not just the art of the rich white population.


The final formal question I have is: What are your thoughts on international cooperation and exchange?  For example, at one point we hosted Poggio A Caiano from Italy and had them bring an art exhibit, and we also sent to them an art exhibit.


We tried the same thing with Bulgaria but it didn’t work out. But we should do more of them, I think.


I saw a display here in City Hall of various sister cities that Charlottesville now has.  Do you feel that we should do more with our sister cities?


Yes, I do.  Because we already know those cities. Poggio a Caiano, Italy; Winneba, Ghana; Besancon, France; and Pleven, Bulgaria.  There are connections, we need to build on those connections.


Well perhaps someday we will have a sister city in China.


We might.  We probably should.  There are more than a billion people, and they love art.  I’ve been to China only once.  It was very different, at that time there were no cars.  It was in 1981 or 2.  There were no cars.  Mainly buses and bicycles.  I went to Beijing, Shanghai, Canton, Guilin, Xian.


Those were very early years.  Soon after Nixon.


Yes.  Right after Nixon.


So you saw Old China. But by then you had already overseen the establishment of McGuffey Art Center and the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville.



Submitted by:Robert Bricker and Yana McLaughlin, 8/29/2014.

A Model of an American Art Community – McGuffey Art Center https://www.jsvacenter.com/publications/ Mon, 05 Nov 2018 15:42:51 +0000 https://www.jsvacenter.com/?p=215



税 静(清华大学美术学院博士后)









詹姆士·胡宾JamesHubin毕业于威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校雕塑专业,是一位独立雕塑家和首饰设计师。作为麦伽菲艺术中心的合作艺术家,他并不拥有艺术中心的工作室。所以他在位于安静山麓的自家楼下修建了自己的独立工作室。詹姆士性格非常沉静,他的作品可以看作其深邃思想的具象注解,只要面对他的作品,这种无形的精神引力便会引领观者进入到他所创造的艺术世界。有时候,他僧侣般的东方气质也会浸润到作品之中,尽管似乎带有哀伤的意绪,但是却具有让人信服的力量。2012年,他在麦伽菲艺术中心举办了题为“面对面”(face to face)的个人雕塑作品展。(图3)











由此看来,在分担社会服务性质的责任和公众艺术的教育和传播功能上,不论是公立美术机构还是民间公益艺术组织在实质上都致力于实现几个共同的目标,那就是推广艺术家及其艺术,举办高品质的专业展览,实现各具特色的艺术教育理念,以促成美育在公众生活中形成吸引力和影响力,并最终建立其渗透人心的专业艺术机构形象。在这一点上,麦伽菲艺术中心的运作方式和经验又与夏洛兹维尔市政府在社会服务上的诉求取得一致,进而达成良好的长期互助扶持合作关系。麦伽菲艺术中心通过开放工作室和各种深入居民生活的互动艺术活动,为人们提供了更多的机会参与到艺术对话和创造过程中,也使得艺术以主动的姿态、多样的方式影响人们,使他们在日常生活中感受艺术之美,也使他们的生活和心灵获得抚慰和润泽。正如夏洛兹维尔市胡迦市长( An Interview of Former Mayor Huja ) 所言:“美不是有钱人的专享。我们每一个人都喜欢美的东西。当看见美的艺术作品,或者自然界中美的事物,我们都会由衷地赞赏。所以麦伽菲艺术中心就是这个社区美好的存在。人不能仅靠食物来生存,因为我们所有人对美都是有需求的,所以我们必须以某种方式与它相连。”如果把类似麦伽菲艺术中心这种规模的艺术机构比作社区美术馆来的话,这种富有亲和力、渗透力的“由点及面”的艺术教育方式和艺术传播方式是具有一定借鉴意义的。


