M C G U F F E Y ・A R T ・C E N T E R
Self-Expression Through Chinese Calligraphy Art
It's also a VMFA Statewide Program
Chinese calligraphy as an art form is life fully experienced through the energy and motion of marks on paper, with time and rhythm in shifting space. The speed, acceleration and deceleration of the writer’s moves and turns give “spirit” to the characters by greatly influencing their final result. It requires the writer to have perfect control over the brush and wrist and to follow the yearnings of his or her heart. Students who don’t know any Chinese verbal language will learn how to appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy and to explore the meaning of the calligraphic marks by themselves. Students will practice the basic techniques so that they can bring out their own “spirit” through this art form.
This class, through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice will focus on building a better understanding and appreciation of Chinese calligraphic art. Students are encouraged to develop and practice their personal artistic expression and will be able to bring their calligraphy work back home for a precious memory of self-exploration. The class provides all supplies, and how to set up the traditional accoutrements for calligraphy work. For high school level and above.
• STUDENTS: Adults, Teens, limited 2-4 for in-person class.
• DATE & TIMES: Saturday, starts October 2 & October 17 for 2 sessions/2 weeks, 3hours/session.
• LOCATION: Studio 22A, McGuffey Art Center / Virtual
• PAYMENT INFO: $150. Payment can be made HERE
• CANCELLATION POLICY: Full refund if canceled 14 days before class. Credit will be issued for another class/date if canceled less than 14 days.
• CONTACT: jingshui1314@yahoo.com
Chinese calligraphy as an art form, is life fully experienced through the energy and motion that are marks on paper, with time and rhythm in shifting space. The speed, acceleration and deceleration of the writer’s moves and turns give “spirit” to the characters by greatly influencing their final result. It requires the writer to have perfect control over the brush and wrist, and to follow the yearnings of his or her heart. Students who don’t know any Chinese verbal language will learn how to appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy and to explore the meaning of the calligraphs by themselves. Students will practice the basic Chinese calligraphy techniques so that they can bring out their own “spirit” through Chinese calligraphy art.
This workshop, through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice, will focus on building a better understanding and appreciation of Chinese calligraphy art. Students are encouraged to develop and practice their own artistic expression, and will be able to bring their calligraphy work back home for a precious memory of self-exploration. The class provides supplies, setting up scholar accoutrements for calligraphy work. For high school level and above.

Jing Shui
Jing Shui was born in Sichuan province, China. She received her BFA and MFA in design from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. She has her Ph.D in Chinese Fine Arts from the Chinese National Academy of Arts, Beijing, China. She currently teaches calligraphy for East Asia Center, UVa. and works for the Fralin Museum of Art as community docent. She is a member and renting artist at the McGuffey Art Center in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia.

Scholar Accoutrements For Calligraphy Work
- Brush holder
- Brush
- Ink
- Rice paper
- Paper weight
- Paper pad
- Ink plate
- Brush water
- Seal and seal paste